How to calculate the reminder date automatically and display the item based on the month & year of its reminder date (Part-2)

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Part 2: Steps to display the item based on the month & year of its reminder date

1. ​Create 2 more columns with the steps in Part 1 (Step 1 – 5). Then, named the 2 columns as “​Reminder Start Month” and “Reminder End Month” with the formula:-

​Reminder Start Month (First day) ​Reminder End Month​ (Last day)
​=DATE(YEAR([ReminderDate]),MONTH([Reminder Date]),1) ​=DATE(YEAR([Reminder Date]),MONTH([Reminder Date])+1,1)-1

2. From the step 6 in Part 1, click on the “Modify View” which is under ‘LIST’ tab menu.​

3. Scroll down the page and find the word, “Filter”. Then, ​choose “Reminder Start Month” “is less than or equal to” and fill in the text field at the below with the text, “[Today]” “AND” “Reminder End Month” “is greater than or equal to” and fill in the text field at the below with the text, “[Today]”. As the picture below.

4. Right now, the list will only show the item that its reminder date is placed on current month & year.

For example, the current month & year is March 2016. So, the list will automatically show only the item that its reminder date is placed on March 2016, as the picture below.